Flag trained auditors

I have a lot of respect to Flag trained auditors who have gone through a very advanced training in order to deliver the upper levels. For the one who does not know , the Church of Scientology has issued a policy in the 80-es prohibiting the field auditors to deliver beyond Clear. One of the reasons is that the field auditors work is not overseen by a C/S


This means that a Field auditor is typically experienced in delivering the lower bridge where with no C/S. Certain Rundowns are delivered at Flag only , some are delivered at the Advanced Orgs. This also means that certain rundowns are truly mastered by Flag trained auditors only and require the supervision of a C/S. The higher level of expertise is extremely important when delivering the upper bridge and the Ls.

I hope that this will help you to understand that Flag trained auditors have advanced knowledge , vast expertise and capabilities to pin point the right areas the PC needs to be addressed. Karen De La Carriere , a Class XII and C/S mentions that:” Each interneship takes MONTHS of 40 hour to 60 hours in the chair of flawless VWD sessions for graduation to be approved. ” The was referring to the Ls training at FSO.

A certain Class VIII  and a field auditor often shows off  with the promo line that he trained to Class VIII in two years. The following statement sounds like a shameless degrade of the value of training: ” I bought all the basic books and read them cover to cover one week in late 1968……I got my Grades, did my Academy levels, volunteer audited in Hawaii, moved to LA, did the BC, volunteer audited at the AO and then started field auditing in 1970. By 1971 I was a Class VIII ”  Such boasting falls within the “high crime” of “Technical Degrades” (HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 JUNE 1970 RB) and  even if this Class VIII auditor has been declared not once but twice , he still keeps boasting about his quickies. LRH: “Such actions as this gave us “quickie grades,” ARC broke the field and downgraded the Academy and SH courses. A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty will be activated…”

 It took me total 5 years ( 4 years full time university studies and a Thesis) to obtain my first Masters Degree. It took me  an additional of 4 years flawless practice to obtain my professional license.  This based on standard government requirements. In the wog world , for two years one can not obtain even an undergraduate degree and will be prohibited to practice in regulated professions. A PC on other hand deserves nothing less but the same standard of care. It has become a practice to often see auditors in the field with fraudulent claims for training and certifications. It is now up to the PC to make a wiser evaluation of the auditor they choose.

Auditors that respect themselves and their PCs shall get a proper training instead of advertising their incompetence and quickies. Would you allow a surgeon who studied only 2 years in a medical school to operate on you? I do not think so.

People who have fallen victim into various manipulations to do the bidding of EVIL individuals and to promote the church enemy lines hide a little secret. This secret it that they are dishonest! The reason of the low perceptions of those people and the inability to make rational conclusions resides in their little white lies! ”Dishonest people have withholds, and withholds stack up mass and bring about stupidity.



December 21, 2011

Karen De La Carriere: ….[name omitted ] ….. “never had any Ls training. He certainly did not have the very complex and unique training of Class X, XI and Class XII. There is an enormous study ofLRH CSed folders and special testsn to understand why LRH CSed that way. ” ….[name omitted ] ….” never came anywhere near this section of the training.”

Karen De La Carriere : “ The Ls are like a Ferrari. Most people can drive one up to 100mph but the minute you get into 150 mph, when things so wrong, they go terribly wrong. The Ls are high performance spiritual work that require expert handling by qualified Ls auditors. This requires interneships and not done by reading ‘hat write ups”.”

Karen De La Carriere : “When something goes wrong …either in a high performance vehicle or intense spiritual work ~~ the results can be catastrophic if one does not know how to recover from trouble. Lisa Mcpherson, 3 weeks after L-11 (see the image on the web of her proudly displaying her L-11 Cert and smiling) went Type III, taking off her clothes and walking naked on Fort harrison Avenue. This is an example of how badly it can backfire.”

Karen De La Carriere : “What we are discussing is an expanded range, that which can boost you so high spiritually and take you into the lofty heights of heaven can also backfire in the other direction and send you into hell.”

Karen De La Carriere: “ I will never participate in any action that does not guarantee the safety and well being of pcs. Only knowing, training and understanding the length an breadth of the procedures and their remedies can give the results LRH intended for these rundowns.”

Karen De La Carriere : “One example of how Interneships are so vital is that the AUDITING STYLE of Ls auditing is different. You have to un-do all the TRs 1-4 you have ever learned all your life and learn “TR L10 style” It is designed to impact the case differe…ntly. This needs to be drilled and drilled and drilled on video and one has to watch one’ own videos day after day, month after month til one has perfected one’s performance and til it is second nature. There is nothing in the field in current set ups that can even come near approximating Ls training. Each interneship takes MONTHS of 40 hour to 60 hours in the chair of flawless VWD sessions for graduation to be approved. But the pc is the beneficiary and is now in safe hands. The safety and guaranteed stability of the pc is the primary importance here. To hell with any other consideration than the PC and the PC’s benefit.”